Get your life back


Why is overcoming porn such a big deal?

man thinking

Because it’s all about the fight for power over your entire life.

Porn is never satisfied. It takes you to increasingly dark and dangerous places. It has detrimental effects on you mentally and physically. It ruins relationships and families, steals confidence and robs people of happiness. Perhaps mostly, it has a huge spiritual consequence, ultimately robbing people of their full potential and purpose.

So what’s your ‘why’? Will you defeat the monster for your kids? Will you defeat it for your dreams? Or will you defeat it to find the peace you yearn for? Whatever the reason, you will never get it while pornography rules over you.
Porn is big. It nearly destroyed my life, but I won and so can you.

You are not a bad person.

A bad person wouldn’t want to get free. They certainly wouldn’t bother reading this. But you do have a problem. It’s causing you pain and making you do things you wish you didn’t and it’s ruining your life.
You need to win the battle for your integrity. Your reward and destiny are on the other side. Do it for you, your spouse, and your children. Let the truth set you free and become the man, or woman, you were made to be.
Remember, your freedom is not about not watching porn, it’s about living the wonderful life porn doesn’t want you to have.
A happy couple

You CAN get free

it IS worth it and it’s easier than you think!